[ about | the team | Colin Surridge ] |
 Menu System
Colin Surridge, or 'Satan' as we call him is a nice guy really. Now that Worms Armageddon is finished it's time
for him to get some sleep. Colin is a classic example of a workaholic, the poor man's not left the building for
Life before Team17 - a distant glimmer on the horizon. What did you do before you came here?
Loads of stuff but very little of it to do with games. I've programmed IBM mini-mainframes with languages like
RPGII/III. I spent a couple of years writing firmware, using about 13 different CPU's ranging from single chip
processors (which have their own ROM and RAM on the processor) to the 68000 family. I spent four years writing
and designed the code that controlled a PABX (telephone system). I had no debug machines and had to blow
EPROM's to test the code I was writing.
Worms Armageddon has a pretty extensive menu system, surely no easy task?
The menu system was easy but there was a LOT of it to do. It was more difficult to design the data structures
that everything used.
You've been seen sleeping under your desk many a time, do you see much of the 'real world' these
No, not a lot of it. About once a month I go home to put a rent cheque in but for the last 6 months that's been
about it.
What do you make of the games industry in your experience?
It's Impossible. Why would anyone want this much pain in there lives.
Do you have any advice to budding programmers out there?
Don't take my job. The best way of learning is to design something ambitious and then program it. Use all the
information and ideas you can get and don't be afraid to ask for help. The idea is to design something that is
beyond your experience so you have to work hard to achieve the result you want.
What makes this the best Worms game ever?
Best Worms game ever so far. Because of all the people that sent in ideas and suggestions after playing Worms
Read any good books lately?
Yes, about 20.
[ about | the team ] |
Since the release of the original Worms, the game has grown and the number of people who've contributed
to the game has also grown. As with all Team17 games, Worms Armageddon was a team effort. We've managed
to track down some of the team to ask them what makes this the best Worms game ever. Just click their
names to read their interviews.
Producer |
[ Martyn Brown ]
Assistant Producer |
Craig Jones
Design |
John Eggett
Porl Dunstan
Artists |
[ Jan Ruud ] Mission Graphics
[ Rico Holmes ] Additional Graphics
[ Paul Robinson ] Additional Graphics
Danny Cartwright
Tony Senghore
Programmers |
[ Colin Surridge ] Menu System
[ Phil Carlisle ] Network & Additional Programming
[ Rob Hill ] DX Interface Implementation/Code Support
[ Martin Randall ] DX Interface Implementation/Installer
Karl Morton
Sound and Music |
[ Bjorn Lynne ]
Matinee Studios
Web Design |
Paul James
Guy Palmer
Quality Assurance |
[ Paul Field ]
Kelvin Aston
[ Mark Baldwin ]
[ Grant Towell ]
[ Andy Aveyard ]
Brian Fitzpatrick
[ Paul Webb ]
[ Kevin Carthew ]
Localisation |
Paul Sharp
Original Concept |
[ Andy Davidson ]