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[ about | the team | Martyn Brown ]

Martyn Brown was the Producer of Worms Armageddon, and for that matter the whole Worms series. So if there's anyone who knows anything about the development of Worms, it's got to be Martyn. Listen up, as Martyn (Captain Spadge as he's known in the Worming community) voices his opinion.
What's it like to be producer of the highly successful Worms series?
It's obviously very rewarding to be part of an excellent team, there's been a lot of hard work and it's gratifying to know that people really enjoy the games. For the time being, I'm looking forward to a less Wormy future and a new challenge on my personal production side. I've worked on a lot of different Worms versions over the last five years and I need a break from it! I still love the game though and appear on WormNET regularly (SpadgeTeam17 - if you spot me, play me!)
What makes this the best Worms game ever?
We decided from the off that we wanted to take things as far as we could. It's easy to come up with ideas for weapons and features but less easy to make ones that work well and retain the balance of the game. Worms represents a lot of development evolution and Worms Armageddon is the final evolvement aside from the bits we've already tweaked for the patch, of course!) It's got more of everything and does everything better, it's the best version, simple as that.
Did Worms Armageddon pose any technological problems or was it all plain sailing?
WormNET has proved troublesome (net code is usually tricky) and we're still having a few teething problems, but these should all be sorted very soon. Technically it wasn't a massive problem (the game) but the amount of data, media, options and everything else made it a nightmare to finish, there was so much to check and test.
Worms were 'twice as pink, twice as hard' in Worms 2. But now they're using nuclear weapons, don't you think they've gone a step too far this time?!
We'd like to think we've been a bit ironic in giving them nukes and chemical weapons, it doesn't get any more destructive than Armageddon!
Many battles have been won and many lives have been lost now that WormNET has set the scene for apocalyptic chaos. How are you doing in the ranks? Surely, Captain Spadge must be a veteran by now?
We checked a few days ago and thousands of users and games have been going ahead on WormNET. Personally I haven't really been into rankings, but spent a lot of time talking to users, welcoming them to the service and also trying to get to the bottom of one or two problems a few people were having.
Have you got any advice for all the cadets out there on the battlefield?
Yeah. Complete the training to GOLD in each event before complaining about skilled players!
Worms fans were taunted with a version of Worms Armageddon for the ZX Spectrum back in October last year. Will we ever get a chance to play it?
Nope! It was a joke.
Is this really 'the end as we know it' for Worms fans?
Yes, it really is the 'end as we know it'. However, who's to say that there might be something more from Worms 'as we don't know it'?

[ about | the team ]
Since the release of the original Worms, the game has grown and the number of people who've contributed to the game has also grown. As with all Team17 games, Worms Armageddon was a team effort. We've managed to track down some of the team to ask them what makes this the best Worms game ever. Just click their names to read their interviews.
Producer [ Martyn Brown ]
Assistant Producer Craig Jones
Design John Eggett
Porl Dunstan
Artists [ Jan Ruud ]
Mission Graphics
[ Rico Holmes ]
Additional Graphics
[ Paul Robinson ]
Additional Graphics
Danny Cartwright
Tony Senghore
Programmers [ Colin Surridge ]
Menu System
[ Phil Carlisle ]
Network & Additional Programming
[ Rob Hill ]
DX Interface Implementation/Code Support
[ Martin Randall ]
DX Interface Implementation/Installer
Karl Morton
Sound and Music [ Bjorn Lynne ]
Matinee Studios
Web Design Paul James
Guy Palmer
Quality Assurance [ Paul Field ]
Kelvin Aston
[ Mark Baldwin ]
[ Grant Towell ]
[ Andy Aveyard ]
Brian Fitzpatrick
[ Paul Webb ]
[ Kevin Carthew ]
Localisation Paul Sharp
Original Concept [ Andy Davidson ]

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